Dustin Hoffman Accusers Pen Thank-You Letter to John Oliver

Though he argued with Oliver that he didn't recall meeting Hunter, in a statement to THR, Hoffman expressed regret for ever imposing an uncomfortable situation for his accuser. “I have the utmost respect for women and feel terrible that anything I might have done could have put her in an uncomfortable ...

Breitbart’s Disgrace

It's another thing entirely to withhold from readers the judgment that an accuser “had a lot of credibility” as part of an effort to protect an entirely different politician from the possibility of future claims. In other words, Breitbart facilitated the continued persecution of a credible childhood assault victim for ...

In 2018, let’s fight for due process

Allan had been charged and prosecuted for rape, but the case collapsed after it was revealed that police had failed to disclose evidence that seriously called into question the claims against him – that is, Facebook messages from his accuser which strongly suggested the sex was consensual. The police ...