ABC EXCLUSIVE: @LinseyDavis sits down with Football star Reuben Foster's accuser as she recounts alleged assault. ...
ABC EXCLUSIVE: @LinseyDavis sits down with Football star Reuben Foster's accuser as she recounts alleged assault. ...
Department of Justice has not contacted a whistleblower in the prison service – despite an inquiry into the claims being set up. It's alleged listening ...
The Justice Minister has not contacted a whistleblower in the prison service – despite an inquiry into the claims being set up. It's alleged listening ...
The Justice Minister has not contacted a whistleblower in the prison service – despite an inquiry into the claims being set up. It's alleged listening ...
Accuser Elissa Ennis, 28, discussed her relationship with Foster in an interview with ABC's “Good Morning America,” which was set to air Thursday.
The Washington Redskins' decision to claim Reuben Foster after he had been released following a domestic violence arrest was another “slap in the ...
The Washington Redskins' decision to claim Reuben Foster after he had been released following a domestic violence arrest was another “slap in the ...
Mr Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford were interviewed privately by telephone by Republicans but Democrats refused to participate in the process.
Mr Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford were interviewed privately by telephone by Republicans but Democrats refused to participate in the process.