Former WH Aide Accuser: ‘I’m in a Black Hole’

The ex-wife of a White House speechwriter who resigned because of sex assault says she has been so fearful of her safety that she hid in a Maine hotel room. "I am in a black hole," Jessica Corbett, 32, told The Portland Press Herald. "The humiliation I've endured is why other victims suffer silently and ...

Patrick Brown Blasts Accusers On Facebook

In a Facebook post, the former Ontario Progressive Conservative leader says he will continue to fight to clear his name. The Simcoe North MPP resigned as PC leader last month, after two women accused Brown of sexual misconduct. On Facebook, Brown alleges one of his accusers was housemates ...

Former Trump aide’s accuser hunkers down amid publicity

Former Trump aide's accuser hunkers down amid publicity. Jessica Corbett says she hopes the controversy stirred up by her allegations abainst her ex-husband and former Maine political operative David Sorensen goes away soon. By Beth QuimbyStaff Writer. Email Writer · 207-791-6363. Share.

Former Trump aide’s accuser hunkers down amid publicity

Former Trump aide's accuser hunkers down amid publicity. Jessica Corbett says she hopes the controversy stirred up by her allegations abainst her ex-husband and former Maine political operative David Sorensen goes away soon. By Beth QuimbyStaff Writer. Email Writer · 207-791-6363. Share.