Vanessa Tyson, who last month accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of raping her, has not given up her call for his resignation and is ready to testify ...
WASHINGTON—Democratic presidential candidates said Sunday they believed the account of a woman who has accused Joe Biden of ...
WASHINGTON—Democratic presidential candidates said Sunday they believed the account of a woman who has accused Joe Biden of ...
Porzingis' accuser described a violent rape, but also admits she would ... The Feds are investigating, but haven't charged the accuser with anything.
Lucy Flores, the former Nevada lawmaker who accused Joe Biden of inappropriately touching and kissing her, said Sunday she was happy the former ...
KARL: But he's also one who has said in situations like this that the default is to believe the woman, to believe the accuser. Do you believe Lucy Flores ...
In an interview with Jake Tapper, potential Presidential candidate and Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton weighs in on the accusations ...
Democratic presidential contender Amy Klobuchar said she had 'no reason' not to believe Joe Biden's accuser while Sen. Bernie Sanders said the ...
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told "Face the Nation" on Sunday that he supports the Nevada politician who has accused former Vice President Joe Biden ...
Moulton: Biden accuser showing 'tremendous courage'. In an interview with Jake Tapper, potential Presidential candidate and Massachusetts ...