Tom Brokaw Calls Sexual Harassment Accuser 'Character Assassin' With Grudge Against Network. Posted 1:25 PM, April 27, 2018, by CNN Wire, Updated at 02:02PM, April 27, 2018 ...
For much of the remainder of the lengthy email, Brokaw took a series of personal jabs at his accuser. He brought up that she “married a wealthy man” and portrays herself as a “den mother,” who has common friends with Brokaw who would have set up a private meeting. He also claimed she had “mixed ...
Around noon Friday, NBC News's Tom Brokaw responded via email to an interview request from the Erik Wemple Blog regarding allegations against him in The Post and Variety. NBC News's Tom Brokaw tells me in an email: "I will have more to say later." Also said "no" to an interview request.
Around noon Friday, NBC News's Tom Brokaw responded via email to an interview request from the Erik Wemple Blog regarding allegations against him in The Post and Variety. NBC News's Tom Brokaw tells me in an email: "I will have more to say later." Also said "no" to an interview request.
Cosby accuser Janice Baker-Kinney, who alleges he drugged and raped her in 1982, told ABC's “Good Morning America” on Friday that it is essential Cosby spend time in jail. Sentencing will likely be held within three months. Before that, Cosby must face assessment to determine if he is a sexually ...
Cosby accuser Janice Baker-Kinney, who alleges he drugged and raped her in 1982, told ABC's “Good Morning America” on Friday that it is essential Cosby spend time in jail. Sentencing will likely be held within three months. Before that, Cosby must face assessment to determine if he is a sexually ...
Bill Cosby's publicist on Friday compared his sexual assault conviction to the plight of Emmett Till, the black teenager who was lynched and disfigured in Mississippi in 1955 after he was wrongfully accused of flirting with a white woman. Mr. Cosby was convicted on Thursday of drugging and sexually ...
Although more than 50 women have come forward with their own Bill Cosby sexual assault accounts over the years, the entertainer's three-count conviction on Thursday came down to just one: that of Andrea Constand, who, the Pennsylvania jury found, had been drugged and sexually assaulted by ...
On Friday morning, the cast of NBC's Today show found themselves in what must have felt like an unwanted moment of déjà vu. The previous night, my former Vanity Fair colleague Sarah Ellison published an investigation in The Washington Post that detailed sexual misconduct allegations against NBC ...
On Friday morning, the cast of NBC's Today show found themselves in what must have felt like an unwanted moment of déjà vu. The previous night, my former Vanity Fair colleague Sarah Ellison published an investigation in The Washington Post that detailed sexual misconduct allegations against NBC ...