New Jersey's domestic violence law has been transformed into a sword for vengeance rather than a shield for victims of violence. An allegation of domestic abuse can lead to a Temporary (TRO) and then a Final Restraining Order (FRO). Since the restraining order is a civil matter, the accuser/victim has ...
A Summit County jury acquitted Christopher Jay Gann of the two felony sexual assault counts against him on Friday, ending a four-day trial that featured ample physical evidence but not enough to bridge the yawning memory gaps in both Gann and his accuser that sowed reasonable doubt. Gann's DNA ...
PARIS: The granddaughter of former French president Francois Mitterrand confirmed Friday that she was the woman behind a two-decade-old rape claim embroiling popular environment minister Nicolas Hulot. Having been exposed by the Parisien newspaper, Pascale Mitterrand issued a statement ...
The lawyer who brought the complaint that led to Malacañang's suspension of Overall Deputy Ombudsman Melchor Arthur Carandang has been barred by the Supreme Court from practicing his profession for two years for unethical conduct. His misdeed? Endlessly blocking the enforcement of a lower ...
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Metro concrete contractor facing six felony counts is now accused of ripping off another woman while his case was pending. Bob Williams is accused of three counts each of receiving stolen property and deceptive business practices for taking money up front from three families ...
Overall Deputy Ombudsman Melchor Arthur H. Carandang (File photo by LYN RILLON / Philippine Daily Inquirer). The lawyer who brought the complaint that led to Malacañang's suspension of Overall Deputy Ombudsman Melchor Arthur Carandang has been barred by the Supreme Court from ...
These things, coupled with the volume of allegations from multiple women, would give any attorney hired by Porter pause, as it would be difficult for Porter to claim the falsity of the accuser's statements. I can't picture the fiasco that could result if he sued, given that one of his former partners has images ...
As his White House has become engulfed in controversy over its handling of allegations of spousal abuse leveled against former Staff Secretary Rob Porter, President Donald Trump has privately questioned the credibility of the accusers. In fact, the president has gone as far as to express doubts to aides ...
As his White House has become engulfed in controversy over its handling of allegations of spousal abuse leveled against former Staff Secretary Rob Porter, President Donald Trump has privately questioned the credibility of the accusers. In fact, the president has gone as far as to express doubts to aides ...
Despite hearing his accuser's tape of their encounter, during which he asks for a private "show," and cites her work as sex-cam performer, a jury acquitted Dr. Mark Sikorski of sexual contact with a female patient. The verdict came Wednesday in the case of the Macomb Township doctor charged with ...